Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Matula Herbal Formula And Reviews

The sense of safety of the commuter

Up and down the regional trains,
slowly learn some funny habits of commuters,
where I fit awkwardly.

At first I had serious trouble understanding why, day after day, on the train back, no matter what position I coach, I always saw the usual four faces.

I thought it was just a matter of hours and, in fact, this would be the most logical solution, except that I felt that there was another component, much more interesting coincidence of time.

The commuter needs and safety habits: no matter how many times controls the boards of times to know which track to start the day his train, the commuter feels safe and comfortable only when he sees that this train sitting in the usual four familiar faces, who long ago identified as "his dear fellow travel ".
And then, only then, that the pendulum can relax and travel. Does not need to talk or get to know, the mere presence of his "friends commuters" is enough!

But just as strange and incomprehensible reaction occurs when the meeting takes place outside of the custom, in places, days and different times, perhaps at times when the shuttle is in the company of other people outside the world of commuting.
Here, on this occasion, the commuter feels bewildered, unsettled, as if someone had taken a piece of the puzzle that is his life and he moved, trying to frame him, where, of course, can not enter.
warns that the security of his private life was violated by someone who should not, for no reason at all, were there out of the habit of travel.
Here, then, that the pendulum begins to feel a threat in the face and, without even realizing it, click on the following days other faces that accompany him on his journey back home.

only way the pendulum will return to that sense of calm and security that feels the need to finally get her happy home.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Can You Sleep In An Xterra

License creative and collective: new models for sharing and the use of content protected by copyright


The social and political debate about copyrights for digital content distributed on the network can not find solutions that give a concrete answer to the problem of protecting the interests of authors and consumer users. It is a clash of interests between various rights and the search for balance between the fundamental right of authors to the protection of their moral and material interests, with access to all culture. This concept in 1948 already provided for in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which, in the second paragraph states that " Everyone is entitled to the protection of moral and material interests which he is entitled by reason of scientific, literary and art of which is the author ", while the first paragraph states that:" Everyone has the right to participate freely in cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and benefits resulting from this " . We try to make a twofold consideration: the authors attempted to evaluate the possibilities offered the new licensing more flexible and less bound, able to promote full works, while from the consumer, let us reflect on how the sharing of content does not necessarily turn into the spread of piracy but rather an opportunity for development and Social economic growth according the remuneration of rights holders with greater access to knowledge by all. But what is

Copyright ? Under Italian, copyright and "deals with the allocation of a set of faculty who achieves creative intellectual work (literature, music, the arts, architecture, theater, film) with the intent to reserve moral and economic rights. " Its main aim is the diffusion of culture, innovation and social progress. Although today we are united, it differs in some respects from Copyright for a wider significance beyond the protection of a number of exclusive rights over the work (rights of the author) also provides for the protection of moral rights of the author's personality. Copyright, however, literally means right to copy, namely the right to reproduce and distribute market copies of a work. It follows that is protected by Copyright legislation of any work the subject of marketing, leaving the second floor in its originality and creativity.

The debate on the protection / control of copyright and creativity in general, is divided between those on one side tends to a total control and regulation of the work ("all rights reserved"), and who has a more subversive and free, without any protection ("no rights reserved"). There are indeed new models for the management of copyright to make available tools based on the concept of Copyleft , that is strictly based on copyright. This is a good solution because if the copyright holder may exercise certain exclusive rights in the work, is both his right to freely choose whether and how to transfer these rights to others.

In relation to File Sharing content protected by copyright, but the issue remains unresolved and thorny. The economic interests that underlie the work probably prevent identify one or more solutions to protect the interests of the author and the work itself, in addition to those who wish to benefit from it. Technology has allowed the spread and re-distribution, even in sharing mode peer-to-peer/file and often free, content in digital format, but the law prohibits any activity which involves sharing of works covered by copyright. There are several cases of judgments against people who have shared content protected by copyright and the network have been questionable penalties applied. It is unthinkable that the answer to the question can be used only to solutions imposed through dissuasive criminal penalties. Among the various solutions identified, there is that of general taxation in which it is expected that both the state and to remunerate holders of copyright through general taxation or a tax purpose expressly provided for remuneration of right holders (such as a fee for internet connection). It is also thought several licenses that permit the use of the work due to a vested right to compensation paid. The license may be required or extended collective: the first is required by law and is enforced, while the second is negotiated between those involved to protect copyright, such as SIAE and who is committed to protect the right of users, such as associations consumers. While the first option should be to meet with the Community and national legislation regulating the matter, the use of extended collective licensing is a solution already adopted by the Nordic countries-for-fire, for example, the rights of broadcasting of Literary and musical, to authorize the re-broadcasting , the reproduction of works for educational purposes and distribution of digital works by libraries. The use of these licenses is not to undermine the exclusive nature of the right by virtue of its non-compulsory and aims to balance the interests between authors and users of the work or benefit from it. Finally, it is approved by Directive 2001/29/EC, Article 18 and opens therefore use the Member States.

Since 2001, the non-profit association Creative Commons is working to make copyright more flexible. This is not a performance rights of copyright in contrast to the SIAE or other similar reality, does not offer legal advice but promotes debate on new models for the management of copyright and disseminate new legal and technological tools such as Creative Commons Licenses Public License (CCPL). National legislation and international rules on copyright gives the holder of a work of genius a series of rights and privileges. The concept underpinning these licenses is flexible in its ability to reason, freely dispose of these rights by allowing or excluding the use of the work according to the individual needs of each. If the copyright-protected works are considered works in which "all rights reserved," those free and public domain have, however, "no rights reserved". The project of Creative Commons is located right in the middle, and the median balance in accordance with the formula that "some rights reserved" (some rights reserved). The basic concept is that flexible licensing, using the private law, create public goods and works issued for specific uses for wider dissemination and promotion of culture.

the CCPL, in fact, simply to allow the right holder to indicate clearly that the reproduction, distribution and circulation of his work is explicitly permitted. The latter, therefore, decide what rights to allow and which to exclude the second predetermined characteristics. The licenses differ in two areas: the freedom user and conditions of use of the work. All licenses allow copying and distribution of the work and some will require modification or deploy. The terms of use, however, provide for the allocation, ie a clause in all licenses that indicates the authorship, non-commercial use of the work without permission, the derivation of work which is not without permission of the author, and his share in the works that flow from it. The choice and combination of freedom with the terms of use allows the holder the right to choose among six types of Creative Commons licenses, very flexible and thus covering a large range of options to choose from. To use a Creative Commons license is sufficient to report the use you intend to work with a note on the license choice, as well as where the work is filed, such as: Copyright © 2009 Surname Name - Some Rights Reserved - This work is released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Italy . The association also offers a search engine to search for works subject to the licensing http://search.creativecommons.org or just refer to the archives as: http://sciencecommons.org/ dedicated to the scientific literature, www.jamendo.com http://ccmixter.org/ specifically for music, sounds and music samples, www.flickr.com / CreativeCommons for images, www.spinxpress.com / getmedia for video and multimedia content, http://ocw.mit.edu/ of teaching aids and manuals, and www.commons.wikimedia.org for works of various kinds. dedicated to music,

The debate today is still running and complex: on one hand the authors, and who protects the interests, lauding the loss in value of their work and the illegal exploitation and abuse, the other the network users, the users, who feel restricted in the possibility to enjoy free content, blamed piracy and to promote the cause of death of the arts. Should pursue the matter further and promote alternatives capable of transforming that clash into a gathering of collective economic and social growth for all.

(G. Faggion)

Selected Bibliography:

S. Aliprandi, Theory and practice of Copyleft, Guide Licensing OpenContent , NDA Press, www.copyleft-italia.it/libro2/ , 2006.

S. Aliprandi, Understanding Copyright, guided visit to the copyright , Primaore editions www.copyleft-italia.it/libro3/ , 2007.

S. Aliprandi, Creative Commons: CPS , Guide to licensing and other CC, 2008, Alternative Press / New Balance, 2008. M. Ciurcina, JC De Martin, T. Margon, F. Morando, M. Ricolfi, Creativity paid, free knowledge: File Sharing and extended collective licensing , NEXA Center on Internet and Society, Politecnico di Torino, http://nexa.polito.it/licenzecollettive/ , 2009.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hernia Hiatal Clear Mucus

SocialAdvertising: the brand reputation in the era of Social Networks


We have entered the era of fully-fledged social network. The boom and growth that have taken these realities, especially in recent months, suggest that now all willy-nilly, we are to relate, to confront and struggle with this "social" dimension. This is not only a pure question of up-dates, but because living has become a virtual social relations status is natural that mixes with the most natural and simple acts of daily living. To confirm this, we observe that the same interpretation of satire you draw to show that changes in society, highlighting the paradoxes, excesses, limitations and contradictions, as in the case of the girl Facebook Caterina Guzzanti.

But such changes have brought into the social network communication? Usually we tend to consider Facebook the only existing social networks, forgetting that, however, is one of many born with the web 2.0 environment, certainly one of the best known of the moment.

A social network is an environment in which a group of people feel united by the same or a similar interest, it is a dense social network that inspired by real life and the transmigration in the virtual. This phenomenon has led to the emergence of new social ties and networks which are being rediscovered, as was done in the past, relations and common interests that bring people together in new human communities, even if virtual. In fact, the social network consists of a group of people who feel bound together by common elements such as family or emotional, academic or professional, of mutual interests, a casual acquaintance. At the base of the social network is the concept of social sharing {} in the production and distribution of content, no longer revert to the network from top to bottom, let everyone participate actively unprecedented real redistribution democratic content in the network, which brings as a result of the first and immediate sharing, collaboration and conversation.

Companies today are having to actually measure the fact that the traditional media has seen a strong decline, primarily in terms of ROI {} return of investment but also in terms of effective penetration of the message: people changed the way we relate and engage with traditional media and changed their habits, lifestyles, and then orientation to consumption. People become catalysts for new flows of information: through their social network they do not interpret a more passive role but may be through, the main tool to convey information. The new social advertising that allows a simultaneous relationship with the consumer such that this social media company allows its user-consumer to write, act and share opinions on products, services or even the image. The company remains able to calibrate this relationship and understand the key fundamental today, and in this new form, the user-consumer has free access to information, but most of them independently.

The user communicates within its extensive network of relationships: share and compare, as the company, sharing their own profile monitors its target market and communicate directly with its users, without barriers, and intercessions. The social network allows individuals to interact in person and without hiding behind false identities or aliases.

Credibility, freedom and individuality become the values \u200b\u200bthat underlie the relationships in social networks and by virtue of which companies are forced to change the way Report for the consumer: they are no longer the center from which to draw information, but become part of an extended community, real and virtual, which creates and shares belonging. And they must necessarily be able to respond to the issues that arise daily in a constructive and purposeful. The reports are therefore an essential basis on which to found the new social advertising and not by chance that the relationship marketing has become one of the most interesting aspects of contemporary marketing. Internet is a network of relationships and connects the electronic market and the nano-and mega relationships where everything is becoming more dynamic .{...}. Since offering mainly information - a brochure and an electronic bulletin board - Internet and websites are becoming a market where you can buy and sell as well as an arena for social contacts and experiences {...}. IT is, however, a secondary active, what is the real human being if it does not offer any market is not the organizers. Consumers and companies need to be connected to the network using its potential {...}. { from Relationship Marketing by Evert Gummesson}.

Some examples of the best / bad practices in the area of \u200b\u200b brand reputation may serve to explain this change in the balance and relationships.

is limited to the case history of Kryptonite. The company, one of the most famous in the production of security products, is launching a new product in 2004, supporting the action by appropriate communication campaign to highlight the advantages of reliability and wear resistance. E ', however, It takes just one video on YouTube by a young man {which showed that, with a simple Bic pen, you could break the lock} communication campaign to destroy and damage the reputation of the manufacturer. The viral video posted on the web has brought down drastically, and with immediate effect, sales of new product and the company was not able to respond adequately to the problems: he has hidden the defect by replacing the defective bolts but do not intervene in blogs, or other means, to reassure customers of the damage or to admit its responsibility. Simply, the company chose not to consider the internet as a media accreditation.

A case histoty all Italian, but in the opposite direction, and wind instruments. With the project On The Web Fiat, Fiat has created a complex with the objective of keeping in touch with their users and customers, informing them through their profile on the evolution of the microblogging on Twitter , the profile on Facebook and Friendfeed , bookmark Del.icio.us , the video channel on YouTube Flickr. A cross-media campaign that has united fans and car lovers, shared in different areas of communication. and

Another good example is Italian Atac, the urban and metropolitan transport company in Rome, which informs on Twitter in real time, on work in progress, difficulties and problems in urban and metro network in the capital. Or Costa Cruises that with his blog, a thematic channel on YouTube, and a public profile on Facebook, come together and share experiences and emotions of those who went on a cruise.

scenarios are rapidly evolving and those involved in communication is finally approaching the market with these new tools. The social media marketing today combines the communication tools which we used until yesterday, and allows for horizontal solidarity and redistribution of the contributions of each of us, highlighting the individuality and characteristics of each person.

the traditional community, that one way that works on the opinions, preferences, behaviors and decisions of consumers, it loses effectiveness. There has been a radical change of perspective: companies must prepare to bear the brunt, to renounce the temptation to control and to learn, in contrast, for surprising to observe, to listen to understand, to communicate to explain, to admit their mistakes and, where appropriate, to remedy the situation in fast times, and come short to be part of a global conversation and complex but at the same time stimulating and enriching.

(G. Faggion)