I was at the supermarket and decide whether to buy or cooked ham, mozzarella or soft cheese, waiting patiently for my turn at the counter of cheeses and meats.
Looking up I see a couple. Li I had already met in the lane in a jar of olives, he wanted the green olives with the pits but she put it well in line, choosing not to discuss the jar of pitted olives.
Then I have found over the counter cold cuts.
seemed interesting, so I started watching them.
She tells him what to take: 150g of ricotta salata.
wait their turn.
you receive a phone call. The butcher called their number and she addresses him look highly significant: in one brief glance she tells him "Take 150g of ricotta salata. I just said that, do not you dare take another or to change your mind!" . And then she walks away to talk on the phone.
I watch him, his eyes begin to move frantically, going from tomini fresh octopus all'insalata ready to Parma ham, as a child in front of a number indefinite toys, all different.
The butcher looks at him and waiting to know what to do ... But he can not utter a word, the longest thirty seconds of his life ... You can already see assoporare a tasty salami accompanied by a full-bodied red wine and green olives with a lot of heart ...
Ma ..
All of a sudden his eyes stop and start staring into space, his smile slowly fades. While immagimanava between salami, olives and wine, she must have appeared in His daydream: he just wanted to share that bendidio but, even in the dream, she looked at him reproachfully saying only "What did I tell you?"
The butcher was always there, waiting.
He knew what to do.
"... Please give me 150 grams of ricotta salata"
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