It 's been over a month from my participation in the Extreme Weekend Stitching nr. 5.
A weekend to look for the whole year:)
Once again the wonderful organizers, Vale, Lara Levi and managed to surprise us and make us feel really good. Too bad that it passes so fast ...
It 'good to reunite with many friends, chat, talk and talk (to embroider, at least for me, there was no time). On the other hand, recently I can not keep much in touch because time is very short and I had to sacrifice the computer, so it was a great opportunity to get a year of talk, spetteguless, and admiration of many masterpieces. Understand that there was no time for more!
This is the booty "material" that I brought home (the kitten, however reluctantly, I left there, my dogs would have liked ...)
course, the booty "moral "I can not show it to you but I assure you it is much more consistenete!
As usual there was the lottery and I was really lucky. I caught the amazing gift from my friend Paola . I was open-mouthed ...
And finally these are the little thoughts that I brought to all. Plaster casts of colorful, perfumed with essences, and then decorated with ribbons and flowers.
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